Light Soy Sauce
48 X 150ML
24 X 600ML
It is China's number one and largest brand, chosen among the best soy sauces in the UK. It is a milder flavored Chinese soy sauce that you can use on all foods.

Dark Soy Sauce
48 X 150ML
24 X 600ML
It is China's number one and largest brand, chosen among the best soy sauces in the UK. It is a more intensely flavored Chinese soy sauce that you can use in all foods.

Gluten-Free Soy Sauce
12 X 150ML
It is China's number one and largest brand, chosen among the best soy sauces in the UK. It is a gluten-free option prepared for special diets.

Mushrooms Flavoured Dark Soy Sauce
12 X 600ML
Mushroom flavored soy sauce is an alternative for those who like different tastes other than the classic.

Rice Vinegar
24 X 500ML
It is a Chinese vinegar produced from fermented rice or rice wine.

Light Soy Sauce
2 X 8LT
It is China's number one and largest brand, chosen among the best soy sauces in the UK. It is a milder flavored Chinese soy sauce that you can use on all foods.

Dark Soy Sauce
2 X 8LT
It is China's number one and largest brand, chosen among the best soy sauces in the UK. It is a milder flavored Chinese soy sauce that you can use on all foods.